Aomori DX Case Study - Easy to understand, with examples

What is DX?
What does DX (Digital Transformation) mean?
Transforming people's lives for the better through the penetration of digital technology
A revolutionary innovation that fundamentally overturns existing values and frameworks
DX can be briefly summarized to mean the above.
In business, we are hearing the term digital transformation (DX) more and more often. Especially after the "DX Report" published by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 2018, many companies have realized the need for DX and have started to promote DX in their own companies.
How to proceed with DX - 8 steps to promote DX

Accurately understand the current situation
Determine the purpose of promoting DX
Obtain the consent of the person in charge of the organization
Incorporate into the strategy
Determine priorities
Digitize workflows throughout the organization
Digitize business models and operations
Implement the PDCA cycle over the long term
The above 8 steps will be implemented.
To develop a strategy up to step 3, you must first clarify your objectives and resources. (Because without clarifying objectives and resources, no strategy can be formulated.)
From there,Transform people's lives for the better by infusing digital technology
To bring about innovative innovations that fundamentally overturn existing values and frameworks
The above will be incorporated into the corporate units.
Aomori DX Case Study

With regard to DX in Aomori Prefecture, a research report states that Hirosaki City is leading the nation in introducing DX systems and increasing convenience for citizens.
The following is an explanation of the points that are particularly noteworthy in Hirosaki City's efforts.
Aomori Prefecture DX Case Study from the Perspective of Digital Human Resource Development
Hirosaki City holds an event called "Life Creation College," which includes an event on the importance of digital human resources and the development of the next generation of human resources needed in the future.
This part of digital human resource development is also an example of Aomori Prefecture's DX.
A DX case study of Aomori Prefecture's remodeling company A
In the past, the company relied on offline billboards and flyers to attract customers, and there was a period of time when customer traffic was unstable.
In such a situation, we introduced online advertising (Google ads, Yahoo ads, Facebook ads, etc.) and asked how many ads were viewed? We were also able to visualize how our customers were behaving online, and we were able to see how much our ads were being viewed. The results of these efforts led to a doubling of the number of inquiries.
As a result, the number of inquiries doubled and the cost per customer acquisition was reduced by half.
DX case study of a manufacturing company in Aomori Prefecture
This is a DX case study of a manufacturing company in Aomori Prefecture, which continues to grow by 5% every year and is expected to achieve record sales in 2022. However, in 2014, the company did not even have a core system, and its operations were mainly analog, using mainly handwritten paper. Overtime work and working on holidays had become routine, and the turnover rate was high. We were determined not to let things continue as they were, but we were presented with an estimate that it would cost just under 100 million yen to build an entire system, which we could not afford. Therefore, we started by systemizing time-consuming tasks one by one in response to requests. As a result, the efficiency of the systemized operations became well known within the company, and requests for improvement gradually began to be made. This was a great success in that it motivated the employees to reform their work. Communication among employees and group companies also became more active.
We provide DX consulting services in Aomori Prefecture.
If you are experiencing challenges in promoting DX in Aomori Prefecture, please contact us.

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