Is there a HubSpot implementation in Aomori? No?

Hello, it has been a long time since my last post. It has been quite some time since my last post, lol. I hope I can find time to update this page.
MA is a term developed based on the idea that marketing activities should be carried out without human intervention in the field of marketing as much as possible, amid the so-called DX (Digital Transformation), a major trend to shift business from analog to digital. MA refers to systems, services, workflows, and improvements developed based on the idea that marketing activities should be carried out without human intervention.
What is Marketing Automation?
Adobe is one of the world's largest software companies. (Adobe, famous for Illustrator and Photoshop) defines it this way
Marketing automation is a methodology and technology for automating and streamlining marketing activities with the aim of increasing revenue and saving labor. It is often referred to as "MA," a prefix of the English term marketing automation. In this article, "marketing automation" will also be referred to as "MA.
The advantage of implementing MA is that it enables communication tailored to the interests of each individual prospective customer, and also makes it possible to build good relationships.
Reference: https://jp.marketo.com/content/ma.html
I see. It sounds like you are writing about something moderately difficult. lol This article is written especially from the perspective of MA implementation in Aomori, so it would be better to use Adobe marketing cloud (MA tool provided by Adobe, Inc. Mainly for large companies), there may or may not be one company in the prefecture, so let's take a look at services that might be a better fit for smaller companies.
If you search for MA tools, marketing automation, and other terms on Google and other search engines, you will find a tool called Hubspot. I am also a certified user of this service and actually use it in my own company.
What is Hubspot?
What is HubSpot? I think many of you may be asking. HubSpot is a service that helps you to manage your business activities in four areas,
Sales Management
Marketing Management
Customer Support
Customer Management
HubSpot is a cloud-based service that integrates these four key functions into a single service.
What can Hubspot do?
Although the terminology is a bit technical, the following features are available with Hubspot.
Reference: https://transcosmos-ecx.jp/blog/hubspot/34#5fd173c165c62b318de39ea5-1607575689406
Which business can it be used for?
To summarize in a nutshell,
Sales HUB is necessary for sales management
Marketing HUB is necessary for marketing activities
Service HUB is necessary for customer success and customer support
CRM HUB is necessary for customer management
The following classification can be made. In addition, depending on the issues faced by the company, the user is free to choose which service area to use.
For example, if a potential client's challenge is
If the company has a list of sales contacts, but is not able to conduct marketing activities efficiently,
Slaes HUB
By implementing HubSpot and managing all information on HubSpot, it is possible to determine the status of prospects on the sales list and whether or not they are likely to win the order. It is also possible to analyze this information.
How much does it cost?
The functions are limited, but you will be amazed at how much it costs to use the service with no monthly basic fee.
Below is a list of features that can be used for free.
Reference source: Hubspot official page
The average monthly fee is ¥6,000/month. Starter plans are also available, so if you are interested, please take a look.
Summary: Is there a possibility to introduce HubSpot in Aomori? No?
When we try to introduce such a service, we are sometimes told, "That's for companies in Tokyo, we don't need it here," but is there anything that we are currently facing in our current business?
There is no data to hand over due to the retirement of a predecessor.
Customer management is managed by paper or Excel, and data is only stored on a specific computer in the company.
You have tried sending out flyers and created a website, but you have no idea how new customers have contacted you.
You do not know how many of your current listings are actually leading to business negotiations.
If any of the following applies to you, it would be a good idea to try the free version of Hubspot first and see how it works. Conclusion, yes!

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If you are considering BtoB marketing support or sales support services, please read on!
Service materials are available for download.
If you are considering BtoB marketing support or sales support services, please read on!