How to Use Korean Hashtags on Instagram|Tips for SNS Operations with Inbound

SNS is now a tool that is used not only for personal interests but also as a marketing method for companies and events. In particular, marketing techniques that effectively use "hashtags (#)" have been attracting attention in recent years as a countermeasure against inbound travel.
In particular, the use of "Korean hashtags" is effective in marketing to tourists from Korea. Through images and real-time postings, information can be sent directly to Korean tourists planning to travel to Japan.
In this article, we have selected popular hashtags that are actually used by Korean visitors to Japan on the subject of "Instagram," which has a great influence on the inbound market.
We will explain how to effectively use Korean hashtags on Instagram, and hope you will find them useful in attracting potential customers and building word-of-mouth.
What is a hashtag (#)?
Hashtags are useful tools for categorizing social networking posts and connecting with users. There are three main benefits to using hashtags
Easier to connect with users who share a common goal
Reach a wider range of users
Stay up-to-date on the latest trends
By using hashtags, information can be disseminated to a wider range of users. In addition, it is also advantageous to make it easier to connect with the target audience of your social networking posts. By utilizing hashtags that your personas may be interested in, you can aim for effective SNS operation.
Another advantage is that you can efficiently research the latest trending information and topics of interest. By checking posts with popular hashtags, you can easily grasp the trends of SNS and posts.
How to Use Hashtags in Business
Hashtags are used as an effective tool in SNS marketing.
For example, when holding a campaign, you can easily encourage users to participate by asking them to post with a dedicated hashtag. Campaigns using hashtags can lower the hurdle for users to participate and significantly increase awareness of the service.
In addition, by searching for the hashtag "#service name," you can hear the real voices of users.
Cautions for Hashtag Posting
In order to effectively use hashtags in social networking posts, the following three points should be kept in mind
Keep hashtags brief.
Use only hashtags that are relevant to the content of the post.
Do not post a series of posts with a hashtag.
Hashtags should be short and concise. Keywords that are too long may not be found in searches. It is important to list short words such as "#좋아요 #친구 #패션".
In addition, adding hashtags that are not related to your post or posting a series of posts with hashtags can be seen as spam. It is important to understand the rules for social networking posts, as it may be reported if it is considered impression gaining or spam.
Korean hashtags popular on Instagram
From here, we will introduce Korean hashtags that are likely to attract attention from the perspective of inbound measures.
Korean hashtags popular among Korean visitors to Japan
Hashtags in Korean for the 47 prefectures of Japan
Focusing on Instagram, which is actively used in both Korea and Japan, we have selected standard and popular hashtags in Korean that can be used to connect with Korean visitors to Japan. We hope you will find these hashtags useful for sending and collecting information.
10 Korean hashtags popular among Koreans visiting Japan
First, we will introduce the Korean hashtags that are popular among Korean visitors to Japan. We have listed 10 hashtags in descending order, starting with the hashtags with the highest number of posts on Instagram, so please take a look.
Hashtag | Japanese translation | Contents |
#일본 | Japan | Hashtags that cover information about Japan |
#오사카 | Osaka | A hashtag that provides information about Osaka that attracts the attention of Koreans visiting Japan. |
#일본선물 | Travel to Japan | Hashtags used by Koreans visiting Japan. |
#일식 | Japanese style | Hashtags about Japanese cuisine |
#오사카여행 | Travel in Osaka | Hashtags used by Koreans visiting Japan for travel to Osaka |
#도쿄여행 | Travel to Tokyo | Hashtags used by Koreans visiting Japan when traveling to Tokyo |
#후쿠오카여행 | Fukuoka | Hashtags for information about Fukuoka that attracts the attention of Koreans visiting Japan |
#도쿄맛집 | Tokyo Delicious Gourmet | Hashtag used by Koreans visiting Japan to find out what restaurants in Tokyo they think are delicious. |
#일본선물 | Japan Souvenirs | Hashtags that show the souvenirs purchased in Japan by Koreans visiting Japan. |
The hashtags above show that Osaka is the most popular, followed by Tokyo and Fukuoka as the main tourist destinations. Below is an actual example of a search from a PC using the hashtag #오사카 (Osaka).
The hashtag with the highest number of posts is #일본 (Japan), but this is a miscellaneous hashtag that includes information other than Korean inbound travel, so care should be taken when conducting research. By using this hashtag in conjunction with other hashtags, you will be able to narrow down your target audience even more.
Hashtags using the 47 prefectures in Korean
In recent years, due to the depreciation of the yen, inbound-oriented SNS measures are being sought outside of major cities. Below is a list of hashtags in Korean for each of the 47 prefectures, which we hope you will find useful.
Hashtags | Japanese |
#홋카이도 | Hokkaido |
#아오모리 | Aomori |
#이와테 | Iwate |
#미야기 | Miyagi |
#아키타 | Akita |
#야마가타 | Yamagata |
#후쿠시마 | Fukushima |
#이바라키 | Ibaraki |
#토치기 | Tochigi |
#군마 | Gunma |
#사이타마 | Saitama |
#치바 | Chiba |
#도쿄 | Tokyo |
#가나가와 | Kanagawa |
#니가타 | Niigata |
#도야마 | Toyama |
#이시카와 | Ishikawa |
#후쿠이 | Fukui |
#야마나시 | Yamanashi |
#나가노 | Nagano |
#기후 | Gifu |
#시즈오카 | Shizuoka |
#아이치 | Aichi |
#미에 | Mie |
#시가 | Shiga |
#교토 | Kyoto |
#오사카 | Osaka |
#효고 | Hyogo |
#나라 | Nara |
#와카야마 | Wakayama |
#돗토리 | Tottori |
#시마네 | Shimane |
#오카야마 | Okayama |
#히로시마 | Hiroshima |
#야마구치 | Yamaguchi |
#도쿠시마 | Tokushima |
#가가와 | Kagawa |
#에히메 | Ehime |
#고치 | Kochi |
#후쿠오카 | Fukuoka |
#사가 | Saga |
#나가사키 | Nagasaki |
#구마모토 | Kumamoto |
#오이타 | Oita |
#미야자키 | Miyazaki |
#가고시마 | Kagoshima |
#오키나와 | Okinawa |
Korean Hashtag] Inbound Use of Instagram
Instagram is a popular social networking service used by more than 2 billion people worldwide. Since information can be easily shared and spread using only photos and videos, it is attracting attention as being extremely effective for inbound measures.
From here, let's take a look at some tips for effective operation of SNS by utilizing the Korean hashtags introduced here.
How to use hashtags on Instagram
How to find effective Korean hashtags that suit your company
Frequency is the key to posting hashtags on Instagram
How to use hashtags on Instagram
Instagram is a social networking service that mainly posts photos and images rather than text. One difference from other SNSs is that it does not have a full sharing function. Therefore, hashtags are characterized by their diffusion and search functions.
Instagram limits the number of hashtags that can be added to a single post to 30. Even in "Stories," a popular feature for real-time posting, up to 10 hashtags can be added.
However, neither too many nor too few hashtags are allowed. In the past, it was believed that users' response rates were higher when around 11 hashtags were used, but now Instagram officially states that 3-5 hashtags are effective.
Conversely, only one or two hashtags will likely not be recognized by the system. User response rates will drop to less than 50%, so be aware of the appropriate number of hashtags.
How to find effective Korean hashtags that suit your company
The basics of SNS marketing techniques do not differ greatly between Japan and overseas. The first step is to effectively reach out to potential customers and make them aware of your company. To do so, you need to first send out information using hashtags that prospective customers (Koreans visiting Japan) are likely to search for.
To find effective hashtags, we recommend using Korean translation tools called "Google Translate" or "Papago.
Using a translation tool to translate Japanese keywords into Korean
Check if the hashtag exists by searching on Instagram
Repeat steps 1-3 until you find 3-5 valid hashtags
Analyze the top posts for valid hashtags and look for more hashtags
When searching for hashtags on Instagram, also check the number of posts using that hashtag. If there are a large number of posts, it can be used as a valid hashtag.
Frequency is the key to posting hashtags on Instagram.
The advantage of Instagram is that information is conveyed through hashtags, photos, and videos. If the medium is interesting, there is no need for explanatory text in foreign languages. Therefore, even if your company does not have foreign-language staff, you can still conduct effective SNS marketing.
Since Instagram tends to appear in chronological order, it is necessary to update information on a regular basis. It is important to post regularly in order to continue to appear at the top of the list.
It is also recommended to use hashtags for your brand or service content. The advantages of using your own hashtag in combination with the following promotional activities
Allow potential customers to check out posts by users who have used your company.
Collect reviews from users who have used your company
Realistic posts from a third party's perspective on social networking sites can sometimes be a more powerful promotional tool than your own posts. By combining this with regular posting, you will be able to reach potential customers more efficiently.
The advantage of Instagram is that it is a revolutionary social networking service that can be used for inbound marketing by making full use of media and hashtags, even if you do not have a staff with excellent language skills. It is used by people all over the world, and is also greatly used in Korea as a tool for gathering and disseminating information.
Of course, it is important to take beautiful photos and send out intriguing and attractive media. However, emphasis must also be placed on effectively using Korean hashtags to deliver information to target audiences and create an environment where it is easy to attract attention.
Refer to the Korean hashtag and Instagram usage tips for effective SNS marketing to attract potential customers.

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