The Necessity for SMEs to Promote DX: Aomori DX Support Company Explains

Hello everyone, my name is Naraoka from The Digital X.
This time, I would like to explain why SMBs should promote DX from various perspectives based on research data.
Understanding and awareness of DX promotion among SMEs
NetOn, Inc., which provides a cloud-based recruiting site creation tool "Recruiting Manager," conducted a survey on DX among recruiters of small and medium-sized companies.
74.1% of the respondents answered that they had never heard of DX, and only 9.6% of them are currently implementing DX.
The DX initiatives being promoted by the companies include "digitization of documents" and "introduction of IT tools," while "securing IT personnel" and "cost reduction" are the most common. On the other hand, "securing IT human resources" and "cost" are barriers.
Of the offices that had not heard of DX, 43.1% showed interest in DX. As for their own initiatives, 37.2% expected that they would proceed.
As the survey results show, only 9.6% of all SMEs are making progress in DX promotion, indicating that securing personnel and investment funds for DX are bottlenecks.
What is DX promotion in the first place?

DX promotion refers to the promotion of DX (Digital Transformation) within a company, a concept proposed by Swedish university professor Erik Stolterman in 2004 that "ever-evolving digital technologies will impact and transform people's lives, enriching every aspect of their daily lives. In a nutshell, "digital technology" is the concept that "digital technology is changing the way we live, enriching our daily lives in every way.
In a nutshell, DX means "using digital technology to change our daily lives and business styles for the better.
In a nutshell, it means "to change our daily lives and business styles for the better by utilizing digital technology.
Advantages of DX for SMEs

There are four major advantages for small and medium-sized enterprises in promoting DX.
1. increased operational efficiency and productivity
Digital automation of routine tasks improves the accuracy of work and maintains quality even with a chronic shortage of human resources. Employees will be able to focus on their primary tasks in their free time, which can be expected to increase productivity.
2. data necessary for management will naturally gather
As DX-ization progresses, the data within the organization will naturally accumulate and be centrally managed, allowing for quick data confirmation and analysis. Speedy management decisions will become possible.
3. easier to secure and recruit human resources
As business processes change with the advancement of DX, the way of working itself will change. It will also become easier to hire talented people, such as senior workers and subcontractors. A DX strategy is also essential to retain the people you have hired for the long term.
4. Easier creation of high value-added business models
Even small and medium-sized enterprises and small businesses can expand their business potential by developing new products and services, creating new customer experiences, etc., if they can utilize various types of data necessary for management with digital technology.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry recommends the following DX measures that should be implemented first

Even if you are working on DX, just formulating medium- to long-term objectives is a daunting task. First, let's follow the METI's guidance and start from "familiar places.
In doing so, we recommend that you start with the back-office departments. In simple terms, this could be replacing paper invoices with PDFs, or converting accounting software to the cloud for online support.
In many cases, DX is a major undertaking from the start, and it is easy for it to fail to catch on, but in back-office operations, there are many tasks such as input, tabulation, and output that can be done by anyone to obtain the same results, and the process itself is not very different from company to company. Therefore, simply by introducing digital technology suited to your company, you can drastically reduce work processes and work hours, and achieve certain results for sure.

Thank you for reading this far.
In this issue, we have asked why small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) must DX. I have explained the answer to this question.
Based on the above items,4 key points
For operational efficiency and productivity improvement, business decisions, human resources, and new business,DX is not only for large companies,
DX has a huge impact not only on large companies, but also on small and medium-sized enterprises.
Society is changing dramatically with the digitalization wave of the times. In the business industry, DX promotion is of particular importance, and many companies are being asked to make changes.
Since DX does not take effect immediately, it is necessary to steadily work on it one by one.
In order to confront and overcome the problems faced at each milestone, such as the occurrence of electronic bookkeeping obligations, we must tackle a variety of issues in the future, including DX promotion.
Clarify your company's goals and take steps toward corporate reform with an eye toward the future.
Success will be achieved by clarifying the goals to be attained, sharing them throughout the organization, and working on the transformation while realizing digitalization.
The company and tools that will accompany you in promoting DX will also be an important factor.
Carefully select the company and tools that will accompany you.
Reference link: Utilization of Digital Human Resources

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