Top 5 Most Popular SNS in the U.S.|Tips for Successful SNS Marketing for Japanese Companies

The United States, known as the "SNS superpower," is an advanced SNS country that has created a variety of platforms. There are many Internet users who are able to select and discard information, and there tends to be a good balance between the Internet and the real world.
For this reason, many people considering SNS marketing may be wondering what methods will work.
As in, "What are the most popular social networking sites in the U.S.?"
What are the trends in the U.S. social networking market and user base?"
This article will provide useful information on U.S. SNS marketing for those who have the above questions. We will also introduce the characteristics of the top five most popular social networking sites in the U.S. and trends in business usage, as well as key points and cautions for entering the U.S. social networking marketing market.
Top 5] Ranking of America's Top 5 Popular SNS
First, we will introduce the top 5 most popular SNS platforms in the U.S. The usage status of each SNS platform in the U.S. as of 2023 is as follows.
No.1 | 69% | |
No.2 | You Tube | 57% |
No.3 | 45% | |
No.4 | TikTok | 33% |
No.5 | X/former Twitter | 30% |
Citation: The Fastest Growing Social Media Platforms of 2023 [New Data] (hubspot.com)
Incidentally, the usage rates in Japan are as follows
No.1 | LINE | 93% |
No.2 | You Tube | 88% |
No.3 | 49% | |
No.4 | X/former Twitter | 46% |
No.5 | 33% |
(Source: "2022 Survey Report on Information and Communications Media Usage Time and Information Behavior," Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
In Japan, the messenger application "LINE" has a high penetration rate, with usage rates of over 80% for all age groups. Instagram" and "X" are the two most popular open SNS platforms, and these two are mainly used for SNS marketing in Japan.
Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of each platform and what kind of business opportunities they offer. We will also briefly explain the differences from Japan.
(Source: https://www.facebook.com/?locale=ja_JP)
Facebook is a social networking platform with the highest market share in the United States. Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, the U.S.-originated SNS boasts more than 2.3 billion monthly users worldwide.
It is characterized by its real-name registration, which allows for a full range of privacy features. In addition to personal accounts, there are also accounts for companies and celebrities called "Facebook Pages," which are suitable for promotion.
Facebook has the advantage of having one of the largest user databases. Even detailed information such as occupation and place of employment can be registered, allowing for more effective targeting. In the U.S., 69% of users are registered, and it is popular mainly among users over 25 years old.
In addition, a community service called "Facebook Groups" is also gaining momentum, which is a community form in a specific field.
In Japan, however, the usage rate is 33% of the total. The main reason for this is that the main user base is between the ages of 30 and 60, and the use of SNS is not widespread among the younger generation, who are more active on SNS.
(Source: https://m.youtube.com/?hl=JA)
YouTube is a video sharing platform SNS operated by Google Inc. that was released in 2005. Videos in various genres such as music, variety, news and e-sports are uploaded, and can be enjoyed by everyone from children to the elderly.
In the U.S., 57% of the total number of users are registered, and although the number has slightly decreased by 4% since 2022, it is still popular among young people aged 18-24.
In Japan, the usage rate is 88%, which is higher than in the U.S. The usage rate among users in their 20s and 30s, the main user group, is over 95%. Furthermore, the usage rate of users in their 60s is also around 85%, making it suitable for marketing to a wide range of age groups.
On YouTube, marketing using famous YouTube stars with a large number of subscribers is effective. If you have them promote your products and services in their videos, they will be able to spread your products and services to a certain established target audience.
There is also the advantage of being able to target your ads not only by age, gender, and region, but also by search KW and related videos. Since interested users can be directed to the company's website, advertising operations can be more effective than with mass media.
(Source: https://www.instagram.com/)
Instagram is a social networking service established in 2010 that mainly posts media such as photos and videos. It is currently operated by "Meta" and can be easily integrated with Facebook. It is characterized by the ability to spread and gather information by sharing keywords related to the content using "# (hashtag)".
In the U.S., 45% of all users use the service, with the main users being fashion-conscious women in their teens to 40s. The content posted tends to be related to daily life and hobbies, such as scenery, memories, children's growth diaries, cooking, fashion, and illustrations.
In addition, there is the appeal of creative media from famous brands, celebrities, and influencers known as "Instagrammers.
In Japan, Instagram has an overall usage rate of 49%, with users in their 10s to 30s being the main user group; due to the low usage rate of users in their 40s and above, it is mainly used for marketing to younger generations.
In addition, Instagram tends to have a high engagement rate for posts due to its excellent visual appeal of products and services. When operating a business account, the photos posted can also be used to drive traffic to product pages.
(Source: https://www.tiktok.com/ja-JP/)
TikTok is a social networking service that allows users to share "short videos" of 15 to 90 seconds in length. Originally a derivative of a domestic SNS released in China, TikTok is extremely popular among teenagers around the world.
TikTok" is a social networking service that mainly allows users to post videos and share "short videos" of 15 to 90 seconds. Originally a derivative of a domestic social networking service released in China, TikTok is immensely popular among teenagers around the world and has spawned numerous trends in music and culture.
Videos with friendly and authentic content tend to attract attention on TikTok. Rough, human-interest content such as making-of, behind-the-scenes, product or service demonstrations, and challenge videos are preferred.
In the U.S., 33% of social networking users use TikTok, with the main user group being young adults aged 18-24. In Japan, on the other hand, the usage rate is slightly lower at 25% of the total, and teenagers tend to have by far the highest usage rate at 66%.
X/former Twitter (X/former Twitter)
(Source: https://twitter.com/?lang=ja)
X, formerly "Twitter," is a microblogging service released in 2006. The main format is short 140-character sentences called "tweets," which can be posted together with videos and images.
In 2022, the company was acquired by businessman "Elon Musk" and renamed from Twitter to X. The main focus is on casual exchanges between individuals.
Although the main focus is on casual communication between individuals, news and information also tends to spread easily. It is also attractive because it is relatively easy for companies and users to communicate with each other.
In the U.S., 33% of all X users are male, and two-thirds of all male users are male. In Japan, X has a 46% usage rate on par with Instagram, with approximately 80% of users in their 20s.
The number of monthly active X users is the largest in the U.S. and the second largest in Japan, with users in both countries accounting for the majority of users worldwide.
SNS and Internet in the U.S.
The United States has the world's second highest mobile Internet penetration and fixed broadband Internet access. Japan ranks first in mobile Internet penetration.
The U.S. also has a large population of smartphone owners among young people (10-24 years old), and the U.S. ranks first in the world in SNS usage. Active users spend 2 hours and 1 minute per day on SNS, a significant difference from Japan, where the average time spent on SNS is 30 minutes.
The older generation is also more familiar with SNS, so a wider range of age groups tend to be active users than in Japan. However, many people in their 50s and older are probably using SNS not only for entertainment purposes but also for business purposes.
Google" is the dominant search engine, boasting an 88.4% share. Bing" is next at 6.4%, followed by "Yahoo!" at 3.07%. Usage rates are boosted by the tendency to utilize this search engine when logging in and browsing social networking sites without using an application.
Points and Cautions for Entering SNS Marketing in the U.S.
Finally, here are four key points and cautions for SNS marketing in the U.S.
Disseminate content that is in line with user attributes and preferences
Disseminate content in native language
Utilize marketing techniques popular in the U.S.
Find a business partner with local expertise
If you are considering expanding your business to the U.S., please take a look at the following points.
Disseminate content in line with user attributes and preferences
The advantage of Web marketing is that it can be widely advertised at a lower cost than brick-and-mortar stores, and can be highly effective. However, if the content does not meet the needs of the target audience, it will not have the desired effect. If you want to conduct SNS marketing in the U.S., you first need to understand the market.
For example, Google is the number one search engine, but it is important to keep in mind that the public does not like to be diverted by information on the Internet. Many users perceive search results as arbitrary or block ads, and they tend to be very selective about the information they find.
Furthermore, since the country is a large country with a mix of races, cultures, and values, it is necessary to devise methods that are tailored to racial and regional characteristics.
Content dissemination using native language
Content dissemination in the U.S. is not simply a matter of "delivering content in English with excellent linguistic and grammatical skills. Detailed persona setting is required, including the generation, culture, values, and sensibilities of the target audience.
Some companies may reduce translation costs due to budget constraints, but effective marketing will not be realized if the vocabulary and grammar are unnatural. It is also important to keep in mind that even though "translation into English, a common language," the use of words and their meanings differ from country to country.
Do not think that simply translating a word into English is enough, but be aware of regional differences in targeting.
Utilize marketing techniques popular in the U.S.
Marketing in the U.S. is two to three years ahead of that in Japan, so it is highly likely that the same techniques used in Japan will not be effective. Since the U.S. is at the forefront of technology and knowledge in the IT field, you will need to be more strategic in your marketing efforts.
The following are examples of marketing techniques that are currently attracting attention.
Listing advertisements
Influencer marketing
Video Marketing
Viral marketing, etc.
However, marketing techniques are not limited to those listed above, as new techniques are being created every day. It is important to always keep your antenna up to date and be willing to introduce new methods.
Find a business partner with local expertise
The key to success in Web marketing lies in preliminary research on market size, needs, and trends. It is recommended that you not only gather information on your own, but also find a business partner who is familiar with the above.
Lack of information will lead to insufficient understanding of cultural and historical backgrounds, which may lead to errors in analysis.
In addition, the use of influencers has proven to be effective in the U.S. due to the high rate of social networking use among young people. One reason is that young people are more likely to feel familiar and relatable than actresses and celebrities. For this reason, we also recommend using popular American influencers.
It may be difficult to keep updated with overseas trends and the latest information while working on your own products and services. In this case, we recommend that you bring in an expert in overseas SNS marketing as your business partner.
We are digital marketing professionals with expertise in SNS marketing. If you are considering entering the U.S. web marketing market, please feel free to contact us.

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